I don't get as t time to bake as I'd like, but this Flapjack with Raspberry & Cardamom Jam running through the middle is very quick to make and most importantly scrummy! They're perfect for an on the go breakfast and a real treat with a cuppa!

You will need:
100g Unsalted Butter, plus a little extra for greasing
85g Golden Syrup
150g Oats
6 - 8 tsp (In A Sticky Pickles) Raspberry & Cardamom Jam
Turn the oven on 180 Fan
Line a loaf tin with baking parchment or grease the tin well.
Melt the butter and golden syrup in a pan gently, stirring regularly.
When the butter and golden syrup have melted, turn the heat off and are mix together, then add the oats and combine.
Pour two thirds for the oat mix into the lined/greased tin and pat down with the back of a metal spoon, gently spoon a layer of In a Sticky Pickle Raspberry and Cardamom jam over the oats, leaving a small edge of oats so the jam doesn't touch the sides of the tin and burn .
Gently spoon the remaining oat mix over the jam taking care not to move the jam or mix it into the oats and again pat down.
Bake in a preheated oven for 18-20 minutes, when golden take out of the oven and leave to cool (as it cools it will firm up)
When cool take out of the tin and cut into 8 finger slices.
Store in an airtight container.